MLQuest Quick Start#

Some Example Functions#

Suppose we have any set of functions such as the following and we interesed in running a Python file or notebook that calls them multiple times with different arguments and we would like to keep track of the arguments that they take and their corresponding outputs for each run. This problem is exactly what this package attempts to solve.

In this example, we will try to demonstrate the high-level features of the package. For a more detailed explanation of the package, please refer to the documentation. You can also run this notebook firsthand by simply downloading it from the Github repo here.

### Define some functions with default and non-default parameters
def Preprocessing(x_data, alpha, beta_param, c=0,
                  depth_ratio=4, a_num=5, b_gum=7, c_hum=12):
    return [2, 3, 4]

def FeatureExtraction(x_data, x_param, y_param,
                      z_param, a_num=5, b_gum=7, c_hum=12, **kwargs):
    return [3, 4, 5]

def RadialBasisNet(x_data, p_num, k_num, l_num,
                   a_num=5, b_gum=7, c_hum=12, **kwargs):
    return None

def train_model(model):
    return 701


The main functions responsible for logging functions is simply called l and is defined under the class mlquest. You can ignore the second line and use mlq.l to log your functions.

from mlpath import mlquest as mlq
l = mlq.l

Starting a Quest#

A quest simply corresponds to a table where each row is an experiment corresponding to a run of the file. When you call mlq.start_quest it simply creates an empty table or loads it if it was created already already.

# Start a new quest, this corresponds to a table where every run will be logged.
mlq.start_quest('Radial Basis Pipeline')

Core Pipeline#

Suppose the following is our pipeline, we can log the input to each function by simple using l(func)(args) instead of func(args). This logs the arguments regardless to whether they are given by name or not and even if they are default arguments. Note that non-scalar arguments are always ignored by l(). We will later see how the log looks like.

# Preprocessing
x_data_p = l(Preprocessing)(x_data=[1, 2, 3], alpha=14, beta_param=9)

# Feature Extraction
x_data_f = l(FeatureExtraction)(x_data_p, 20, 340, 10)

# Model Initialization
model = l(RadialBasisNet)(x_data_f, 55, 25, 26)

# Model Training
accuracy = train_model(model)  + 15

Model Evaluation#

To log a metric we use the log_metrics function. If you pass it variables with scalar context directly then a column will be created with that variable’s name to log a variable with a different name you can pass it as a keyword argument.

# log the accuracy
mlq.log_metrics(accuracy)        # can also do mlq.log_metric(acc=accuracy) if want to log it as acc

Extra Logging#

Suppose we have another piece of information that we would like to log. We can use the to_log function. The first argument it takes is the column header and the rest are any number of key value pairs passed as keyword arguments where a column under the column header will be created for each key.

mlq.to_log('New Column', User="Malzahar", Ult="Yes")

Save and Display Logs#

Once the quest is ended with mlq.end_quest, the run is converted to a row and logged to a table and saved. The first argument is where we would like to save the markdown corresponding to the quest, the second argument specifies whether to show or hide the default arguments of functions and the third helps blacklist further arguments

mlq.end_quest('./', log_defs=True, blacklist=['alpha'])

We can use mlq.show_logs to show the logs of the last last_k below the notebook cell that calls it. To see it, please consider running the notebook.

mlq.show_logs(last_k=5)                     # higlight color assumes dark theme and can be changed


We can also view the table in a server using mlq.run_server. There further filtering can be easily done to show specific rows of the table.


Deleting Runs#

Deleting runs using their id is easily possible using mlq.delete_runs


Converting to DF#

The table can be easily converted to a pandas DataFrame to later be used for plotting or other analysis. The key step here is to use mlq.get_flat_dict() to get the equivalent flat dictionary.

import pandas as pd

my_dict = mlq.get_flat_dict()
df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(my_dict)